Social Events

Our industry-organised event provides unparalleled networking opportunities and a platform to exchange ideas with clients, industry colleagues, decision makers and international participants. We have a full and exciting networking and social program, so please join us at one or all of the events!

Welcome drinks

When: Wednesday 26th July, 2023 5.30pm.

Where: Marketplace Exhibition Area, Crown Promenade.

Dress Code: Smart Casual.

Held at the end of the Day 1, it's a time to recap on the day's speakers and start firming up new relationships and networks.  The ticket to the Welcome Reception is included in your registration, and we look forward to seeing you there.

CBH AGIC dinner

When: Thursday 27th July 2023. 7pm to midnight.

Where: Melbourne Room, MCEC  

Dress Code: Business Suit. 

The AGIC 2023 Conference Dinner is certainly one of the social highlights of AGIC.  Held on Thursday 27th July, you'll be able to wind down after two information packed days, catch up with industry colleagues and reflect on another wonderful conference.  A stunning fine dining, three course meal, drinks and entertainment awaits you.  Your dinner ticket is included in the Full Conference registration, however,  additional Dinner Tickets can be purchased for friends & colleagues to join you. Simply add tickets when registering yourself.


When: Wednesday 26th July and Thursday 27th July 2023

Where: Conference Floor

Looking for a comfy spot to sit, catch up on emails, or perhaps enjoy a coffee with colleagues you haven't seen in years? The Network Lounge is a great place to relax and network during breaks.  You'll be able to grab a coffee all day from the Coffee Station.